Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How can you change your xbox live gamer tag for free?

How can you change your xbox live gamer tag for free ive heard of people doing it and i really want to change mine without having to pay 15.00 can you please be very detailed THANK YOU|||You'll have to pay the 800 points ($10) to change it. There's no way of doing it for free, except creating a new account when your subscription expires.|||[TUT]How to Hack Xbox Live accounts[TUT]

1) Open up your email

2) Copy and paste the recipient as:


3) In the subject put 30%pass30%recover(Gamertag you want to recover)

4)In the body type this exactly as it is shown below, it is case sensitive:

/cgi-bin/start?v703%26amp;login.USER=passmac鈥?ne%26amp;class=supervisor%26amp;f={YOUR PASSWORD}%26amp;f=27586%26amp;javascript=ACTIVE%26amp;rsa= {YOUR WINDOWS LIVE ID}ACTIVATE{YOUR GAMER TAG}/cgi-bin/start?v703%26amp;login.USER={URL TO YOUR BUNGIE PROFILE}%26amp;javascript=ACTIVE%26amp;rsa={PERSON TO BE HACKED GAMERTAG}

5) A message will be sent to your gamertag with all of their log in info

(It wont be immediate, please be patient)|||As said before, it now costs 800MSP or $10 to change your XBL GT. They used to allow you to change it for free, but XBL doesn't allow repeat GTs and they saw that gamers were burning through too many names. Therefore, they applied a fee to the process to slow it down and make some extra cash.|||the one time free thing is still good

they will give you a auto name if you sign up online but if you do it through your system you don't get the one time free.

the one time free only applies online because it's easier to pick names off the seystem.|||Yeah you can't you have to pay MS points|||I don't think they do that anymore...cause I tried to change it cause it used to say "change it once for free" but they never let me =(|||u just have to pay man

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