Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How would i transfer my gamer tag onto another xbox 360 hardrive?

Ok i have a 360 with 20gb hard drive and want to get the elite.

How would i transfer the data and my gamer tag from the old hard drive to the new one??? is it possible???

And i also have a few months left on live...so will that transfer too???

Thank You|||There are two ways to do this depending on if you know the info.

1. If you know your Windows Live ID and password (which you used to register you gamertag), you can simply recover your gamertag on the other console. All you need to do to recover is go on the dashboard, click the recover button, and type in your Gamertag, Windows Live ID, and the password. Then accept to the code of conduct. The Xbox live subscription will remain and so will your gamerscore.

2. If you don't know your Windows Live ID and have no way to figure it out, you can get a memory card, then upload your gamertag to the memory card, and then upload it back on the other console.|||there are three ways:

1- using xbox live to transfer your gamertag over to another hard-drive

2- getting a memory card to copy over data and profiles/gamer tags to another console

3- Or the way i did it. I used a transferring cable that allows your to transfer everything from your old hard-drive to your new one at high speed.

i would recommend getting the transfer cable but any of the above will work.|||either use a memory card to do so or recover the gamertag off of xbox live...

the xbox live subscribtion will continue over, because all that data is stored on the internet...

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