Sunday, September 18, 2011

What would make a great gamer tag for xbox live?

I have ordered xbox live already. It is coming in about a week. So i am wondering what my gamer tag should be. I don't want it ridiculously long but not something completely stupid too.|||You ordered it? All you have to do is pay and plug in your ethernet cable. Theres no physical object they send you. For a gamertag, try using things you like. A good rule of thumb is if you have to put a bunch of numbers after it or X's before it because someone already has that name, pick something else that's more original.|||ElDoucho|||Cancer


My Gun

A Retard

Yo Momma

You know what is funny is when you are playing a shooter, and you kill someone, and like your gamertag is AIDS, it will say AIDS killed you.|||oLdSkOoLt-BaG|||Since most cool names have been created: IMUnCR8Ve ( I am Uncreative.)|||The Hawk|||you dont choose the gamertag the gamertag chooses you

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